  1. 3. A ____ is a proof without formal truth and includes ASA, SAS, SSS, AAA, and AAS.
  2. 4. When a figure is turned about a fixed point.
  3. 5. A triangle with a 90 degree angle is a _____.
  4. 7. An _____ angle is an angle that is more than 90 degrees.
  5. 9. A line going in one end forever from one endpoint.
  6. 11. A spot on the line where X and Y intercept.
  7. 12. A triangle with each angle less than 90 degrees
  8. 14. A statement that has to be prove.
  9. 15. Two lines running along each other but will never intersect.
  10. 18. Moving a figure to another position.
  11. 19. A straight figure that has 1 dimension and goes in two directions never ending.
  1. 1. The center point of a segment or line.
  2. 2. a line with an endpoint on each side.
  3. 3. Two lines that intersect to form 90 degree angles.
  4. 6. When two angles add up to 90 degrees, it's _____.
  5. 8. A transformation where a figure s the mirror image of another figure.
  6. 10. An ___ angle has a degree under 90 but above 0.
  7. 13. Then new point, line, or position after a transformation is the _____.
  8. 16. A 2 column ____ proves a geometric statement.
  9. 17. When two shapes have the same corresponding sides and angles.