
  1. 2. polygon all angles are congruent
  2. 4. part of a line with two endpoints and all points between them
  3. 6. triangle with a right angle
  4. 8. no sides congruent
  5. 10. rays two collinear lines that do not intersect
  6. 11. formed by two rays with the same endpoint
  7. 12. point in the middle
  8. 14. any three noncollinear points represent this
  9. 15. set of infinite points
  10. 17. two coplanar vertex and no common interior points
  11. 18. two angles whose sides are opposite rays
  12. 20. all sides are congruent
  13. 21. a ray that divides an angle into two congruent or coplanar angles
  14. 22. corresponding parts of congruent triangles a re congruent
  15. 24. triangle with one obtuse angle
  16. 26. coplanar lines that do not intersect
  17. 29. the third side of the triangle
  1. 1. two congruent sides form this
  2. 3. other two angles adjacent to the base
  3. 5. segment in the middle
  4. 6. both equilateral and equiangular
  5. 7. the congruent sides of an isosceles triangle
  6. 8. rise over run
  7. 9. at least two sides congruent
  8. 13. location
  9. 16. splits something
  10. 19. sides of angles
  11. 23. has no diagonal with points outside the polygon
  12. 25. the statement you prove is true
  13. 27. greater than zero but less than 90
  14. 28. made up of all possible points