
  1. 1. comparison of two numbers by division
  2. 5. quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel.
  3. 7. triangle with an obtuse angle.
  4. 10. two angles whose sum is 180 degrees.
  5. 11. triangle with a right angle.
  6. 16. triangle with all sides congruent.
  7. 18. two triangles are congruent if corresponding sides are congruent and corresponding angles are congruent.
  8. 20. two coplanar angles with a common vertex and a common side between them
  9. 22. triangle with at least two sides congruent.
  1. 2. the figure formed by three segments joining three noncollinear points. Each of the three points is a vertex of the triangle and the segments are the sides.
  2. 3. quadrilateral with exactly one pair of opposite sides parallel.
  3. 4. two lines are parallel if they are coplanar and do not intersect.
  4. 6. the non-adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines.
  5. 8. two angles whose sum is 90 degrees.
  6. 9. triangle with all angles congruent.
  7. 12. parallelogram with a right angle.
  8. 13. triangle with no sides congruent.
  9. 14. two lines that intersect to form right angles.
  10. 15. union of 3 or more coplanar segments that meet only at endpoints such that at most two segments meet at one endpoint and each segment meets exactly two other segments.
  11. 17. triangle that has all acute angles.
  12. 19. parallelogram with consecutive sides congruent.
  13. 21. all sides congruent and all four right angles.