
  1. 2. Cut into two equal parts.
  2. 4. Lines that remain the same distance apart.
  3. 7. Way to manipulate the shape of a point, a line, or shape.
  4. 8. Two lines that meet at right angles.
  5. 12. Distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle’s circumference.
  6. 14. How long something is reaching from one point to another.
  7. 15. Opposite angles formed when two lines intersect.
  8. 16. A number in an ordered pair that names the location of a point on the coordinate plane.
  9. 19. Angle An angle that measures 90 degrees
  10. 20. A location in space
  1. 1. Triangle with at least two sides the same length.
  2. 3. A quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.
  3. 5. Lines Three or more lines that intersect at the same place.
  4. 6. Same shape but not necessarily the same size.
  5. 9. Triangle with all congruent angles.
  6. 10. A set of points equidistant from a given point.
  7. 11. Root A value that when multiplied by itself gives the number.
  8. 13. Same shape and same size.
  9. 17. A non-rigid transformation that preserves shape but not necessarily size.
  10. 18. point The point halfway between the endpoints of a line segment.