
  1. 4. The shape after it has been rotated, dilated, translation, and reflection.
  2. 5. starts from a point and goes forever in one direction.
  3. 9. The shape will increase or decrease.
  4. 13. an area where lines and dots go.
  5. 15. things that are equal or proportional.
  6. 17. 2 lines creating an angle.
  7. 18. 2 intersecting lines.
  8. 20. Taking a small shape and make it bigger.
  9. 21. 2 angles that equal 180 degrees.
  10. 22. the similar pint of a right angle.
  11. 23. a dot on a coordinate plane
  12. 24. if something is equal.
  13. 25. Taking a big shape and make it smaller.
  1. 1. Figures that are the same shape but can be different sizes.
  2. 2. the center of a line segment.
  3. 3. Turn the figure a number of degrees around the point of rotation.
  4. 6. 2 angles touching each other.
  5. 7. 2 angles that equal 90 degrees.
  6. 8. a ray that has a vertex and divides an angle.
  7. 10. the angle can be abc or cba but it cannot be cab.
  8. 11. Flips the shape over to create a mirror image of itself.
  9. 12. The number we multiply by to increase or decrease.
  10. 14. 2 rays with the same endpoint.
  11. 16. Sliding an image a certain distance and direction.
  12. 19. a continuous thing with a bunch of dots.