
  1. 5. Germany has over 300 different kinds of this food ranging from light wheat to dark and heavy
  2. 6. Means feeling home and being comfortable
  3. 9. Cheers
  4. 10. German Christmas tree
  5. 15. The Chancellor’s office in Berlin is known locally as this
  6. 17. Thank You
  7. 21. One of the three colors on the German flag
  8. 23. Seven
  9. 25. Schlecht
  10. 29. In Germany there’s no punishment for a prisoner who tries to escape from _____, because it is a basic human instinct to be free.
  11. 33. Famous highway system in Germany
  12. 35. First book printed in German
  13. 37. Fraulein
  14. 39. Germany is composed of 16 _____
  15. 40. Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen, and the citizens of Munich were invited to this celebration which is now an annual event that occurs every September
  16. 42. Sour cabbage popular in many German dishes
  17. 43. Mountain range in southern Germany
  18. 44. Herr
  19. 45. This city has the largest train station in Europe
  20. 47. Germany shares borders with _____ other countries
  21. 49. Reutlingen is known for the world's narrowest _____
  22. 50. Ja
  23. 52. German word for pretzels
  24. 54. Frau
  25. 55. First _____ launched in 1663 in Germany
  1. 1. Highest mountain in Germany
  2. 2. Famous German car manufacturer
  3. 3. Germany is known for tuition-_____ universities
  4. 4. Toilet paper in Germany has the softness and consistency of _____
  5. 7. Germany is a policy leader in climate and _____
  6. 8. Body of water located to the northeast of Germany
  7. 11. One of the many previous capitals of Germany
  8. 12. Home of the classical cuckoo clock and the setting of many Grimm fairy tales
  9. 13. Montag
  10. 14. Please and You're Welcome
  11. 16. White asparagus
  12. 18. Christmas cake
  13. 19. Famous castle; Walt Disney modeled Cinderella's castle after it
  14. 20. One of the five countries that has German as it's official language
  15. 22. Germany was the first country to adopt _____ savings time
  16. 23. Germany is the ____ largest country in Europe
  17. 24. German river that empties into the North Sea
  18. 26. Haribo German candy
  19. 27. German invention
  20. 28. Very pale veal sausage
  21. 30. _____ is the largest state
  22. 31. One third of Germany is covered in _____
  23. 32. Berlin has more _____ than Venice
  24. 34. Good
  25. 36. February
  26. 38. German football
  27. 41. donut JFK supposedly called himself this when he said "Ich bin ein Berliner"
  28. 46. Famous German scientist
  29. 48. Legend of egg-laying rabbit
  30. 51. Famous composer
  31. 53. Nein