Get in shape one step at a time

  1. 2. The general condition of the body or mind
  2. 3. Heaviness or mass
  3. 6. blood pressure/ Condition resulting from elevating artery blood pressure
  4. 7. Can be as easy as walking
  5. 8. Expert in nutrition
  6. 11. relating to the blood and heart
  7. 13. Any trial or practice session
  8. 15. Measure of energy found in food
  1. 1. Lack of insulin causes this
  2. 4. activity/ Working the body
  3. 5. Use or application of medicine
  4. 9. Inflammation of a joint
  5. 10. Any abnormal condition, some more severe then others
  6. 12. pain/ Exercising eases this
  7. 14. A manner or way of moving