Get Involved!

  1. 3. 7th and 8th grade social where teams are dodging, ducking, and throwing balls at each other
  2. 6. 6th grade social where students wear costumes, eat snacks, and watch a movie
  3. 8. End of year social sponsored by the APA where all students can eat and boogie
  4. 10. 7th and 8th graders attempt to get a hole in one
  5. 13. Free after-school program
  6. 14. perform a play on stage; 6th and 7th grade
  7. 15. sport involving grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground; 7th and 8th grade
  8. 16. 6th graders compete to knock down the most pins
  9. 18. sport involving dribbling, passing, and shooting into a goal; 7th and 8th grade
  10. 19. sport in which ball carriers are downed by pulling off a marker, or flag, loosely attached to a belt, rather than by tackling; 7th and 8th grade
  11. 20. share written works or artistic projects; happens in Fall and Spring
  12. 21. non-graded part of the day where students pursue different interests and have a dedicated study hall
  13. 23. sport involving running a 2 mile course against other teams
  14. 24. 6th grade social where students solve riddles and find things around campus
  15. 25. learn to sing, strum guitars, and play keyboard in this class
  16. 27. sport involving dribbling and shooting into a hoop; 7th and 8th graders
  17. 28. Elected representatives per grade; listen to student concerns, petition for change, and host MS events
  18. 30. sport involving running, jumping, and throwing events; 7th and 8th grade
  19. 31. club that works to make Severn a place where all students feel a sense of belonging through various activities, including publishing a newsletter; meets Wednesdays at lunch
  20. 34. sport where players use hooked sticks to drive a ball toward goals at opposite ends of a field; 7th and 8th grade
  21. 35. group of students and allies committed building a culture of belonging for our queer community.
  1. 1. program that invites outside musicians to work with students to inspire, create, and perform music; the visiting musician will perform concerts for the Severn community
  2. 2. showcase of student talents (act, sing, dance, magic, comedy, music, etc.)
  3. 4. read and discuss a different book each month with classmates
  4. 5. Student publication of written and drawn work
  5. 7. sport involving a ball being thrown, caught, and carried with a long-handled stick; 7th and 8th grade
  6. 9. a reading competition where students make teams and answer trivia about 10 books against other schools
  7. 11. competition in English; Severn S-E-V-E-R-N Severn
  8. 12. an affinity space for students of color to share their daily lived experiences at Severn
  9. 17. sport where players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court; 7th and 8th grade
  10. 22. 6th grade program introducing students to study skills, health and wellness, design thinking, grammar and composition, and study hall
  11. 26. students participate in a variety of community service activities on and off campus
  12. 29. play instruments together in this ensemble
  13. 32. travel to Annapolis Mall for a private screening and popcorn
  14. 33. This group is for bowed instruments