Get to Know You Conversation Trivia Crossword

  1. 4. least favorite chore
  2. 6. birthday activity
  3. 10. strange camping place for Andy
  4. 11. spartan town
  5. 12. tuesday treats bakery
  6. 16. orange peel tradition?
  7. 17. CCCC lessons
  8. 18. alter-ego scammer
  9. 20. gallon of warmth
  10. 21. safari birth animal
  11. 22. pretty toe-toes color
  1. 1. birthday month
  2. 2. cold winter welcome to america
  3. 3. astrology freak!
  4. 5. There's no place like home
  5. 7. Karin's mountains
  6. 8. kid's candy obsession
  7. 9. future lesson on the water
  8. 13. first but not last ski destination?
  9. 14. october camping destination
  10. 15. online code name
  11. 19. big bro Marthinus nick