Get to Know Your HP Staff!

  1. 1. This wandering kiwi has a golden retriever named Indie!
  2. 4. Which staff member has been playing HP up in Canada since June of 2009?
  3. 5. This staff member loves her cruises, and has a line named after them!
  4. 7. Which artistic staff member basks in the Florida sun when not cuddling kittens?
  5. 9. This Queen of the Farm Birbs also runs a hotel for dogs!
  1. 2. Our resident cosmonaut from down under has a passion for writing!
  2. 3. Which bookkeeping staff member has an English mastiff named Bessie?
  3. 4. Our west coast cat lady has crossed the US and shared her passion for ASBs!
  4. 6. Which culinary-obsessed staff member has an OTTB named Pilot?
  5. 8. This nerdy Californian spends her free time taming multiple aquariums!