Get to Know Your STEM Professors!
- 3. This person is a professor in the Department of Psychology and teaches courses such as Research Methods & Analysis in Psychology I & II.
- 4. This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.
- 6. This person is an Anatomy professor and is also the faculty advisor for the Barry chapter of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), a pre-med student organization.
- 7. This Biology professor teaches Microbiology, Virology and Biological Foundations I. He is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-physician Assistant Club.
- 10. This professor is the Chair of the Department of Biology. She teaches Biological Foundations I and Introduction to Microbiology this semester. She is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-vet Club.
- 16. This person is a sociologist by training and serves as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, overseeing all of the academic units within that college, including the STEM disciplines.
- 17. This Biology professor teaches the ORI 100 course for the STEM Learning Community as well as Biological Foundations I and Nutrition. She is also a co-advisor for the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society.
- 18. This professor is a psychologist who until recently, served as the Director of the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS).
- 1. This Biology Professor is the coordinator of the STEM Learning Community, faculty advisor for the Minority Association of Pre-health Students (MAPS), and President of the Barry University Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
- 2. This Biology professor teaches Biological Foundations II and botany and directed the undergraduate research program RISE which ended recently.
- 5. This person is a former Barry Biology student who teaches Biological Foundations I and Anatomy. She is also the coordinator of ROADS, an undergraduate research club.
- 8. This Math & Computer Science professor teaches precalculus I and II and is also the assistant chair of that department.
- 9. This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
- 11. This professor teaches Chemistry 111 and 112 and directs a chemistry outreach program called COACH.
- 12. This Biology professor conducts cancer biology research and teaches Biological Foundations II and Cell Biology.
- 13. This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime.
- 14. This person is from Virginia and is the newest professor in the Department of Biology. He teaches Anatomy & Physiology.
- 15. This Biology professor teaches Anatomy and also oversees the core aquarium facility (located in the Siena building, 3rd floor) which is used by students and faculty for research and the marine biology course.