Get Work Ready

  1. 5. The qualifications taken by most people aged 14-16 in years 10 and 11 at the end of Key Stage 4 whilst still at school
  2. 6. You learn a new skill either on-the-job or through a college course by undertaking ......
  3. 7. When you have a high-pressure job you might be described as being under ......
  4. 8. A pat on the back; congratulations for a job well done
  5. 10. Trade ...... are organisations that you can join as an employee to protect your rights
  6. 11. You set these as smaller steps to take in order to achieve a larger vision of success
  7. 12. When something is equal to something else or can take its place e.g. a BTEC National Diploma is ...... to two A Levels
  8. 14. The skill of someone in charge; ability to lead others
  9. 15. Outgoing and self-assured
  10. 17. From your monthly salary the first thing you have to pay out is your ..... and National Insurance
  11. 19. The things you have done in your life are called ..... It is through these that you gain and can demonstrate new skills
  12. 22. When you undertake training you usually do this in order to ...... to your skills
  13. 23. When you speak out for something you feel strongly about, even if your view is not popular you are making a ..... for what you believe in
  14. 24. When you gain the upper hand or give yourself a head start you gain an ......
  15. 25. The shortened title for a Higher National Certificate
  16. 27. An alternative form of (public) transport that usually costs less than having a car
  17. 30. When you have made up your mind about something you reach a ...... decision
  18. 31. Even employers who do not expect you to have specific qualifications usually expect you to be well ...... as a result of your schooling
  19. 32. The person you work for; the person who pays your wages is your ......
  20. 33. If you want to set up your own business you may need to persuade a bank to ..... you the money to get started
  21. 34. Not sad; how you should aim to feel in the future
  22. 38. A beginner; someone who is not a professional; when you have just started doing something you are a ......
  23. 39. The money you earn through working is your ......
  24. 40. A natural flair for something
  25. 41. A qualification gained after A levels through studying for at least 3 years at university
  26. 44. When you work in a shop selling things you are there to ...... the customer
  27. 45. You plan for success by setting goals for yourself, which you aim to achieve one ..... at a time
  1. 1. If something is important to you it .....
  2. 2. If you arrive in a job without the required training you may be ...... on a course
  3. 3. A monthly expense; the money you pay to a landlord to live in their property
  4. 4. A business start-up or the quality of an entrepreneur - Entrepreneurs are considered to have ..... capability
  5. 7. Learning a new ...... will increase your prospects of promotion
  6. 9. A shortened term of working with computers
  7. 13. When you pass exams you gain ......
  8. 16. The things people have to earn money
  9. 18. When you have something extra; when you gain another qualification or skill you have ...... to the range of things potential employers are seeking
  10. 19. Getting good ...... at school, college or university will improve your chances of employment
  11. 20. A test of your skills or knowledge that stretches your ability will help you to learn. This is often known as a new ......
  12. 21. When you plan for your working life and the series of jobs you might do in the future you plan your ......
  13. 26. When you tell someone that something is good you ...... it
  14. 28. When you convince someone to buy a product you are ..... that product to them
  15. 29. You set goals in life in order to achieve your own vision of .....
  16. 35. bill A monthly expense that you have to budget for - this one helps you to communicate with others
  17. 36. Get ...... Ready
  18. 37. Recognised academic qualifications include the A ...... (or S ...... in Scotland)
  19. 42. Qualifications help you to gain ..... to a further course or level of training
  20. 43. You should always try to be the ..... you can at whatever you decide to do in life