Getting to Know Hospice

  1. 5. Suncrest Visits More! The Suncrest _______ is the Suncrest standard of care for our patients and is made up of 2 RN Visits and 5 CNA Visits per week.
  2. 8. Which team member helps with emotional and spiritual support?
  3. 10. The hospice team member who assists with personal hygiene care?
  4. 12. A Hospice _____ Director is the individual who certifies eligibility for hospice care.
  5. 13. The hospice benefit does not run out as long as the patient continues to meet the ________ requirements."
  6. 14. How many CNA visits do patients receive each week while on Suncrest Hospice?
  1. 1. Hospice care covers a medical team, _______, equipment, volunteers, and supplies for patients
  2. 2. Care that emphasizes support to patients with a terminal illness?
  3. 3. Hospice is Covered by Medicare,__________, and most private insurance.
  4. 4. The primary goal of hospice care is to improve what aspect of a patient's life?
  5. 6. Key members of a hospice care team include Medical Director, Registered ______, CNA, Chaplain, and Social Worker
  6. 7. The hospice benefit that provides short-term relief to caregivers?
  7. 9. What is the term for medical equipment, such as hospital beds, provided by hospice?
  8. 11. To be eligible for hospice, individuals have a terminal diagnosis and a life expectancy of _______ months or less