Getting to Know Me!

  1. 3. Loves gaming and Lacrosse.
  2. 4. Plays many musical instruments and loves traveling.
  3. 5. Visit Top of The Rock, Central Park.
  4. 8. Loves Youth Group and Works Chick-fil-A
  5. 9. Birthday same as her parents and had a pet pig.
  6. 11. Professional dancer and loves youth group
  7. 12. Loves soccer, snow board and show Choir
  8. 14. Shops at Target and loves crafts.
  9. 16. Loved Art and Crocheting.
  1. 1. Loves Archery and Hunting.
  2. 2. Moved from Tenn, Kentucky and Ohio. Loves alligators.
  3. 6. Works at Water Main Grill.
  4. 7. Loves dance and her cats
  5. 9. I'm getting a new Fresh Water Aquarium.
  6. 10. Magic Singers and collects bottle lids.
  7. 13. Loves Beauty and the Beast. Travels to the beach a lot.
  8. 15. Loves Soccer and Cross Country. Christmas is favorite holiday.