Getting to know the Bride and Groom

  1. 2. Darren’s middle name
  2. 4. Name the month the wedding is taking place
  3. 7. Where Darren and Winter currently live (city)
  4. 10. The Bride’s favorite color
  5. 13. The Groom’s favorite color
  6. 14. Who said “I love you” first
  7. 15. Darren proposed to Winter in this town
  1. 1. The difference in their ages (years)
  2. 3. Their first vacation together was here (3 words)
  3. 5. Trip after the couple is married
  4. 6. Winter’s Birth month
  5. 8. Winter’s real name
  6. 9. The wedding is in this town
  7. 11. Darren and Winter met after a (blank) party
  8. 12. Darren’s Birth Month