Getting to Know the Bride & Groom

  1. 2. Logan’s favorite sports team
  2. 4. Logan’s favorite restaurant
  3. 5. Katie’s dream job
  4. 6. Katie’s favorite subject in school
  5. 8. Katie’s biggest fear
  6. 11. For their first date they went_______
  7. 13. Logan’s biggest fear
  8. 14. Where Katie would love to live
  9. 16. Logan’s favorite super hero
  10. 17. Where Logan served his mission
  11. 18. Where they met
  12. 19. Their favorite treat
  13. 20. Katie’s favorite musical artist
  14. 23. How many kids they would like to have
  1. 1. Logan’s dream job
  2. 3. Who said “I love you?” first
  3. 4. Logan’s favorite hobby
  4. 7. Logan’s favorite type of music
  5. 9. Where Logan would like to vacation in
  6. 10. Logan’s favorite movie
  7. 12. Katie’s favorite type of food
  8. 15. Their Favorite movie to watch together
  9. 21. Katie’s favorite super hero
  10. 22. Logan’s hometown