Getting to Know You

  1. 5. Brandon's dream job
  2. 10. Kahealani's favorite book
  3. 12. Kylie's favorite TV show
  4. 15. Kylie's favorite sport
  5. 18. Luca's favorite color
  6. 21. Luella's favorite sport
  1. 1. Ms. Peppers's favorite class
  2. 2. Ms. Lustig's favorite animal
  3. 3. Sebastian's favorite color
  4. 4. G and Julia's favorite TV show
  5. 6. Ms. Blicht's favorite sports team
  6. 7. Luella and Sebastian's favorite food
  7. 8. Julia's favorite sports team
  8. 9. G's favorite food
  9. 11. Max's dream job
  10. 12. Trinity's favorite book
  11. 13. one of Trinity's favorite classes'
  12. 14. Amel's dream job
  13. 16. number of siblings that Luca has
  14. 17. Amel's favorite food
  15. 19. Max's birth month
  16. 20. Kahealani's birth month
  17. 22. Brandon's favorite color