
  1. 2. Number of subjective aspects of God's full salvation.
  2. 4. God's intention is for man to ________ Him in His authority.
  3. 7. To be a Christian is to be _____ of God.
  4. 8. God's intention is for man to ______ Him in His image
  5. 9. What you do is governed by your _____.
  6. 11. In the Bible, baptism means _________.
  7. 12. According to Ezek. 36:26-27, the first thing we receive at regeneration is a new ______
  8. 13. John 3:5 says man must be born of ____ and the Spirit.
  9. 14. Regeneration brings the life of ____ into man.
  1. 1. Man can not express God without _________ His life.
  2. 3. To be a Christian is NOT a matter of being ____.
  3. 5. Regeneration is the ______ of our salvation experience.
  4. 6. To be "born again," the first subjective aspect of God's full salvation
  5. 7. By _______ into Christ, we can be born of God and receive Him as life.
  6. 10. According to Ezek. 36:26-27, the second thing we receive at regeneration is a new ______