GH4 S2 Science Review

  1. 2. System breaks down food into substances that our body can use for energy.
  2. 4. circuit that has both wires connected to the positive end of the battery
  3. 7. classified elements into the Periodic Table.
  4. 8. the flow of electrons
  5. 9. human _______ is the science of the human body.
  6. 11. an example of this component of a circuit is a lightbulb
  7. 12. System is a system of glands that releases hormones into the bloodstream and sends signals throughout the body.
  8. 13. an example of this component of a circuit is a wire
  9. 14. difference in electric potential
  10. 15. System provides the body with oxygen while removing carbon dioxide.
  11. 18. measure of the opposition to the current flow
  12. 20. resistance is measured in this unit
  13. 21. material with a resistance of zero
  14. 23. the building block of matter.
  15. 26. current is measured in this unit
  16. 28. is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
  17. 29. System supports your body, protects organs, produces blood cells, and stores minerals.
  1. 1. System permits blood to circulate.
  2. 3. energy that flows through a circuit
  3. 5. a living thing.
  4. 6. material that resists current flow
  5. 8. A light bulb illuminates in a ______ circuit
  6. 10. Father of Modern Chemistry.
  7. 12. A substance made of only one kind of atom
  8. 16. positively charged subatomic particle
  9. 17. a testable prediction.
  10. 19. this is an example of an energy source in a circuit
  11. 22. a complete circular path that electricity flows through
  12. 24. is everything that occupies space and has mass.
  13. 25. negatively charged subatomic particle
  14. 27. System receives and acts on information.
  15. 28. material that allows current to flow easily