Gina's Bridal Shower

  1. 4. What attracted Gina to Clay?
  2. 5. What musical instrument did Gina play?
  3. 6. Who is Gina's godmother?
  4. 10. What college did Gina and Clay go to?
  5. 11. Who was Gina's first softball coach?
  6. 12. What have Gina and Clay hiked?
  7. 14. What is the age difference between Clay and Gina?
  8. 16. What do Clay and Gina enjoy doing in the summer time?
  9. 17. What branch of the military was Clay in?
  10. 20. What was the first holiday Gina spent with Clay's family?
  11. 21. What is Gina and Clay's choice of cocktail?
  1. 1. How many states did Gina live in?
  2. 2. Where did Gina work while in college?
  3. 3. Who is Clay's first nephew?
  4. 7. Clay is a fan of what football team?
  5. 8. What is Grandpa Mel's nickname for Clay?
  6. 9. What sport does Clay coach and play?
  7. 13. Gina did a bike ride for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society; how many miles was it?
  8. 15. What is Clay's last name?
  9. 18. What is Gina's dog's name?
  10. 19. What is Clay's middle name?