Girl Rising Vocabulary

  1. 4. to take care of or be responsible for. Also another word for the brain.
  2. 8. Refers to the way something, like a day, begins or ends. It can also keep books from falling off a shelf.
  3. 11. the moment at which everything changes or shifts, significantly.
  4. 12. a thickly populated area of a city where people live crowded together in very poor, and often dangerous and unhealthy conditions.
  5. 15. to increase, or improve, or move higher in some way.
  6. 16. to have difficulty getting the words out when you want to speak.
  7. 17. the orange dust on old metal left outside.
  8. 18. the determination to succeed
  9. 19. to have difficulty getting the words out when you want to speak.
  10. 20. to show mercy for; to leave alone.
  11. 21. when the bottom is far away
  12. 23. to pause or wait for a short moment.
  13. 24. a child whose parents are gone.
  14. 25. going off the path; going in the wrong direction
  15. 27. to be so sad that you feel your heart may explode
  16. 28. to choose to use, like a weapon or a tool. Can also mean to sketch with a pencil.
  17. 29. to read aloud from a book or from memory.
  1. 1. foul, repulsive, neglected, filthy, wretched. Often used to describe a place.
  2. 2. spiritual, repetitive singing
  3. 3. a woman whose husband has died.
  4. 5. when you resist boldly
  5. 6. a strong connection between people. Sometimes it can act more like a chain that you cannot break free from, like in slavery.
  6. 7. very many
  7. 8. ferociously intense, like the heat of the sun.
  8. 9. to throw away, like trash
  9. 10. the folded, decorative lines on a uniform skirt or pants.
  10. 13. to come out from, as in a butterfly from a chrysalis
  11. 14. when something is pressed or squeezed with such force that it becomes deformed
  12. 15. The brown and red stones we build walls with. Can also refer to specific vocabulary words.
  13. 22. The cement mix between bricks in a wall. Can also be the words we use to string together vocabulary.
  14. 26. to become free, or to set free