Giulia in Minnesota 2021-22

  1. 3. First trip destination.
  2. 5. Giulia is so_____.
  3. 6. Secretly plays this in her room.
  4. 9. Temperature (F) below which a coat was required.
  5. 11. The disease Giulia survived.
  6. 12. First sport she lettered in.
  7. 15. Spring break destination.
  8. 18. Never had this at the table.
  9. 19. Ben and Giulia's favorite activity in the street.
  10. 20. Type of movie she started rating.
  11. 21. Impossible to say no to this person.
  12. 24. What Giulia liked to put on food.
  13. 25. One of Giulia's nicknames.
  14. 26. Giulia and Angela's bestie.
  15. 27. Show we saw in Chicago.
  1. 1. The top candy for the first half of the year.
  2. 2. Giulia "made" this for her birthday.
  3. 4. Sent home with these from gymnastics accident.
  4. 7. Second sport she lettered in.
  5. 8. Giulia was always _____ when she was happy.
  6. 10. Other sport you did.
  7. 13. Flying thing she dislike.
  8. 14. Latest puzzle craze.
  9. 16. How she helped Ben drive.
  10. 17. Giulia was able to avoid these.
  11. 19. Starbuck's weakness.
  12. 22. Flying thing she disliked.
  13. 23. Crawling thing she disliked.