  1. 2. longest field trip
  2. 4. candy velcro
  3. 6. for walking across (like hot coals)
  4. 9. a lost relic
  5. 10. middle child
  6. 11. good at flossing
  7. 12. having ophidiophobia
  8. 15. frequently quoted
  9. 16. a play and a costume
  10. 17. the main driver
  11. 20. favorite field trip
  12. 21. coincidentally started summer tradition
  1. 1. winners of the hunt
  2. 3. middle child
  3. 5. having arachnophobia
  4. 7. for eating pancakes in
  5. 8. too far away
  6. 12. deep pockets
  7. 13. tall bestie
  8. 14. a fruitful street
  9. 17. accident prone
  10. 18. having acrophobia for others
  11. 19. bounces on a trampoline