Glass Castle

  1. 3. name of mean grandma (Rex's mom)
  2. 4. where the kids were placed on one trip (no light)
  3. 5. type of element used to heat the house (they do not have)
  4. 8. name of dad
  5. 12. old building where they lived in Battle Mountain
  6. 15. what the dad was going to use to find gold
  7. 16. name of mother
  8. 19. the mom has a degree in what
  9. 20. the Mom's religious affiliation
  10. 21. author's earliest memory
  11. 22. place where the kids lived the longest (so far)
  12. 23. how the dad ruined Christmas one year
  13. 26. what animal do the kids pet in a zoo
  14. 27. where the book begins
  15. 28. jerk of a kid that assaults the author
  16. 29. their house does not have indoor what
  1. 1. where the family is living now (town)
  2. 2. what Lori was eating one day with sugar
  3. 6. name of girl that is mean to the author
  4. 7. grandmother of Author
  5. 9. what the dad gave the kids one Christmas
  6. 10. youngest child
  7. 11. symbol representing the Walls' life (type of tree)
  8. 13. failed trip to this place (car broke down)
  9. 14. the kids seem to always be what (lack of food)
  10. 17. author
  11. 18. oldest child
  12. 24. name of doll that the Author burned (face)on accident
  13. 25. name of the only sibling boy