Global Crossword
- 2. World-wide disease
- 6. US-backed campaign in Latin America
- 7. Demand>Supply
- 8. Fascist Leader of Argentina
- 9. Agreement between USA, Canada, & Mexico
- 12. Increase in international connections
- 15. Moving goods between countries
- 18. Innovations in agriculture internationally
- 19. He predicted that overpopulation would be devestating
- 20. Land becoming unusable
- 1. US's influence in the modern world
- 3. Chilean dictator during operation condor
- 4. Impacts of international connections
- 5. Powerful Nicaraguan family
- 10. left-Wing rebel group in Nicaragua
- 11. Regulates trade between countries
- 13. Nickname for Nicaragua
- 14. Socialist president of Chile
- 16. Provides economic support to developing countries.
- 17. Opposition to Sandanistas