Global Crossword

  1. 2. World-wide disease
  2. 6. US-backed campaign in Latin America
  3. 7. Demand>Supply
  4. 8. Fascist Leader of Argentina
  5. 9. Agreement between USA, Canada, & Mexico
  6. 12. Increase in international connections
  7. 15. Moving goods between countries
  8. 18. Innovations in agriculture internationally
  9. 19. He predicted that overpopulation would be devestating
  10. 20. Land becoming unusable
  1. 1. US's influence in the modern world
  2. 3. Chilean dictator during operation condor
  3. 4. Impacts of international connections
  4. 5. Powerful Nicaraguan family
  5. 10. left-Wing rebel group in Nicaragua
  6. 11. Regulates trade between countries
  7. 13. Nickname for Nicaragua
  8. 14. Socialist president of Chile
  9. 16. Provides economic support to developing countries.
  10. 17. Opposition to Sandanistas