Global Events

  1. 8. International relations and negotiations between countries on a global scale.
  2. 10. Mass displacement of people fleeing persecution, violence, or natural disasters.
  3. 11. Fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all individuals regardless of nationality.
  4. 15. Increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries on a global scale.
  5. 17. Democratic process where citizens vote for political leaders and representatives
  6. 18. Economic conflicts involving tariffs and trade restrictions between nations
  7. 19. The spread of nuclear weapons to additional nations
  8. 20. Worldwide health crisis, leading to lockdowns and widespread impacts on daily life.
  1. 1. The restoration of trees and forests to combat deforestation and climate change.
  2. 2. Advancements in science and technology exploring celestial bodies beyond Earth.
  3. 3. Disparities in wealth, opportunities, and access to resources on a global scale.
  4. 4. Long-term alteration of Earth's climate, prompting discussions on sustainability
  5. 5. Catastrophic events like earthquakes, hurricanes, or wildfires affecting large areas.
  6. 6. Widespread suffering and need for assistance due to conflicts or disasters.
  7. 7. International initiatives to provide assistance and support in times of need.
  8. 9. The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union.
  9. 12. Movement of people across borders, often driven by economic or political factors.
  10. 13. Global effort to administer vaccines against the COVID-19 virus.
  11. 14. Mass demonstrations expressing public discontent or demands for change
  12. 16. Acts of violence targeting civilians for political or ideological purposes.