Global History Regents Review - Leon Chow

  1. 4. A rebellion that failed to gain its independence against Britain. (2 words)
  2. 5. The cause of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian nationalism organization, the Black Hand. (3 words)
  3. 6. The peace treaty that ended WWI, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, Germany Empire, and the Austrian Empire. (3 words)
  4. 7. A form of free market economy.
  5. 10. Modernized Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. (2 words)
  6. 11. The leader of the Soviet Union who industrialized Russia. (2 words)
  7. 13. When a country becomes an empire by taking over other nations.
  8. 16. A movement in 1700s Europe when people questioned the relationsihp between the government and people.
  9. 17. Mass genocide of Jewish people during World War II.
  10. 19. Japan became modernized and industrialized. (2 words)
  11. 20. Pride in one's country or culture.
  12. 21. A form of government which focuses on the glory and power of the nation.
  13. 22. A period of the Soviet Union and the United States against each other. (2 words)
  14. 23. When the 3rd Estate was unhappy because of no rights and freedom, heavy taxes and lack of opportunity, King Louis XVI was overthrown. (2 words)
  15. 24. Copernicus and Galileo replaced Ptolemy's geocentric theory where the earth is the center of the universe with the heliocentric theory where the sun is the center. (2 words)
  16. 25. The systematic destruction of a religious, ethnic, racial, or a national group.
  1. 1. Ireland led to massive starvation and a migration of people overseas to North America. (2 words)
  2. 2. A successful movement that gained its independence against Britain. (3 words)
  3. 3. Led Ghana after Ghana gained independence from the British. (2 words)
  4. 8. An movement in Africa that tries to prevent European nations from controlling and taking away their freedom. (2 words)
  5. 9. Negotiations between USA and USSR to reduce the amount of nukes. (2 words)
  6. 12. A Chinese leader who wanted to mix its economy by putting capitalism and communism together. (2 words)
  7. 14. A movement which began in England in which goods began to be produced in factories instead of on the farm. (2 words)
  8. 15. First black president of South Africa. (2 words)
  9. 18. European nations met together to determine which European nation will control parts of Africa. (2 words)