Global issues

  1. 4. Pollution is the release of harmful substances into the environment
  2. 6. Using resources wisely so that we can meet our needs today without harming the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  3. 9. The state of being equal, especially in rights, opportunities, and status.
  4. 10. Fundamental rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled
  5. 11. An outbreak of a disease that occurs on a global scale, affecting a large number of people.
  6. 12. The clearing or removal of forests, often for agricultural or industrial purposes.
  7. 13. The state of being extremely poor, often lacking basic necessities such as food
  1. 1. Globalization is when countries and people around the world become more connected, sharing things like products
  2. 2. Long-term changes in temperature and other atmospheric conditions on Earth, primarily caused by human activities.
  3. 3. Variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat
  4. 5. The increasing proportion of people living in cities and the growth of urban areas.
  5. 7. Dishonest or fraudulent behavior by those in power, often involving bribery or misuse of public funds.
  6. 8. A person forced to leave their country due to war, persecution, or natural disasters.
  7. 9. To completely eliminate or destroy something, such as a disease or social issue.
  8. 12. The inclusion of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.