global politics

  1. 3. Official orders that forbid trade and communication with another state, as a way of forcing its leaders to make political changes
  2. 4. Attacks in which military aircraft drop bombs
  3. 6. Human nature - wants power(realism)
  4. 7. Organizations composed primarily of sovereign states
  5. 9. The industries and services in a country that are owned and run by the government
  6. 11. the internet empowers
  7. 12. Persuasion and influence
  8. 14. When many states are powerful
  9. 18. Relating to political principles and structures for ordering government and society
  10. 20. A theoretical perspective in which power is seen as the currency of global politics
  1. 1. The industries and services in a country that are owned and run by private companies
  2. 2. A relationship between states that are commited to using their armed forces in supporting similar military objectives
  3. 5. Ability to influence people behavior
  4. 8. Achieving aims through force, persuasion and influence
  5. 10. System of government in which people choose who would govern them
  6. 13. spread amongst a number of different global political actors
  7. 15. When one state is more powerful than all the others
  8. 16. Achieving aims through force
  9. 17. When two states are equally powerful
  10. 19. Having the highest position of power, importance or influence