
  1. 3. - Goods and services bought from other countries.
  2. 5. - Exchange of goods and services between countries.
  3. 6. - Goods and services sold to other countries.
  4. 11. - Growth of cities resulting from rural migration and industrialization.
  5. 12. - Tax imposed on imported or exported goods.
  6. 13. - Company that operates in multiple countries.
  7. 14. - Movement of people from one place to another.
  8. 16. - System of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
  1. 1. - Process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
  2. 2. - Exchange of information through various mediums.
  3. 4. - Tools and methods used to solve problems or achieve goals.
  4. 7. - Contracting work to an external provider, often in another country, to reduce costs.
  5. 8. - Reliance of one country on another for economic stability or resources.
  6. 9. - Mutual reliance between countries on each other for economic, social, and political needs.
  7. 10. - Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.
  8. 15. - Introduction of new ideas, methods, or products.