Globalism Crossword Part I

  1. 3. Nixon was the first U.S. president to do this.
  2. 4. Nixon was the first U.S. president to travel to this country.
  3. 7. “Independent” city in Germany at the center to controversy between the Soviet Union and the Allied nations.
  4. 9. Treaty that sought to limit the amount of ICBM’s and SLBM’s that a country was able to produce. (Abbv.)
  5. 10. The Olympics were hosted here in 1980.
  6. 11. Long-range missile with no precise target whose production was limited in the SALT talks. (Abbv.)
  7. 13. Presidential scandal in 1972.
  8. 14. Spending more money than what is received in revenue.
  9. 18. Prices rose over 50% between 1973 and 1974.
  10. 19. Controlled ascent and free-falled descent.
  11. 23. Nation “dissolved” in December of 1991.
  12. 25. Economy during international conflict.
  13. 29. The Olympics were hosted here in 1984.
  14. 30. A relaxation in tensions.
  15. 32. United States 200th birthday.
  16. 34. Landmark given back to Panama in 2000.
  17. 35. Trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico that abolished tariffs.
  1. 1. Ford was the first president to be this.
  2. 2. First man to walk on the moon.
  3. 4. This was turned over to Panama on December 31st, 1999.
  4. 5. The first U.S. president to visit China while in office.
  5. 6. Militants in this country stormed the U.S. embassy in 1979 and took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.
  6. 8. Had to stay inside the lunar modular.
  7. 12. Name of the lunar modular that landed on the moon.
  8. 15. Treaty between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in 1979 that reduced certain nuclear weapons and allowed each nation to inspect one another’s weapon bases. (Abbv.)
  9. 16. Nation invaded by the Soviet Union in 1979.
  10. 17. The U.S. boycotted this in the summer of 1980 in reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
  11. 20. When the value of the dollar decreases due to an overabundance of currency in relation to the proportion of goods and services.
  12. 21. Became president after Nixon resigned.
  13. 22. Won the presidential election in 1976.
  14. 24. Organization of countries in the Middle East and Africa that produce and export petroleum throughout the world.
  15. 26. A U.S. military base in the nation was attacked by a truck bomb in 1983 killing 241 American soldiers.
  16. 27. The American hostage crisis in Iran ended 33 minutes after he was sworn into office.
  17. 28. Second man to walk on the moon.
  18. 31. First Arab nation to recognize Israel’s existence.
  19. 32. “Opened” by East Germany on November 9th, 1989.
  20. 33. The first U.S. president to visit Moscow while in office.