
  1. 3. According to experts, the benefits of economic integration can be categorized into three
  2. 5. creates employment and job opportunities. Thus increasing the people's abilities to become self-sufficient.
  3. 8. The new name of the IBRD
  4. 9. This happened from 1565 - 1815 now known in our country
  5. 10. benefits. One of them the capital being brought to the country by the large
  6. 11. investors, a number of Filipinos became employed, being employed.
  7. 12. Corporations prefer to build factories in the _________ because the minimum wage there is lower.
  8. 14. Filipinos now love Kpop and other foreign things this is an aspect of globalization called
  9. 16. This results in ___ of both countries as the labor in the rich countries denied work at the same time.
  10. 19. The Internation Bank for Reconstruction and Development was founded after the what?
  11. 20. The aim of the World Trade Organization is to _____ international trade
  12. 24. in the making of products such as textile began to materialize.
  13. 25. The foreign corporations that we allow to come to our country as part of the agreements of the member of the GATT- WTO pay no what?
  14. 27. the western countries such as Spain, Portugal, England and Holland were into before
  15. 28. Is the unification of economic policies between different states, through the partial or full abolition of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on trade
  16. 32. culture which is the combination of the western and eastern culture was formed because of this.
  17. 34. is now simple. Because of advancements in mobility, boats have become ships, caravans have become motorcycles, and so on.
  18. 35. referred to as exchange of goods, services and capitals
  19. 36. These Investors lose a lot because they need to pay higher taxes to the government.
  20. 38. Top 1 country in the World Trade Organization
  21. 39. With the development of _______,globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century
  22. 40. Filipinos penchant for things foreign is reflected in their preference for clothes. foods, music, movies, and others. This kind of thinking is one of the factors that cause local businesses to fail.
  23. 41. How does people in different parts of the world can communicate instantly?
  1. 1. These Corporations bring to our country not only material goods but their culture as well.
  2. 2. This happened in a number of places in the world during the last of the 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century. It brought about big changes in the country’s economy and a big influence on the global scene.
  3. 4. reasons behind hastening of globalization.
  4. 6. The difference in total value between payments into and out of a country over a period.
  5. 7. flourished including the use of telephone and postal mail.
  6. 13. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread _____ in the place they colonized
  7. 15. The type of business put up by foreign investors in the Philippines, they are primarily service-oriented like
  8. 17. a result of people's and governments' actions all across the world
  9. 18. creates employment and job opportunities. Thus increasing the people's abilities to become self-sufficient
  10. 21. The value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another.
  11. 22. It refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impending or limiting as by tariffs or quotas.
  12. 23. What country bring and spread catholicism?
  13. 26. An economic association (as of nations)formed to remove trade barriers among its members.
  14. 29. Top 5 country in the World Trade Organization
  15. 30. International relations between countries keep on _______ because of globalization.
  16. 31. Whoever holds the economic power holds the ______ power as well
  17. 33. is now simple. Because of advancements in mobility, boats have become ships, caravans have become motorcycles, and so on.
  18. 37. Started on October 24, 1945. Before they only have 51 members but now it has 193 members.