Glossary of the Early Middle Ages

  1. 6. Eight wars fought by Christians and Muslims (pg 137)
  2. 7. These people were generally the only ones who could read or write in Medieval society. (pg122)
  3. 10. People from outside our borders (pg106)
  4. 11. A document signed in 1215 by King John.(pg150)
  5. 12. Another title/name for a King or Queen. (pg110)
  6. 14. This is what the wealthy in Medieval times called a long hot bath. (pg127)
  7. 16. An obligation that is two-way is said to be m_________. (pg116)
  8. 17. A area of land given to a vasal by a lord (pg114)
  9. 20. By winning this William, Duke of Normandy became King. (pg114)
  10. 23. a way of organising people/groups from important/powerful at the top to least important/powerless at the bottom.(pg116)
  11. 24. A contest between to knights who charge at each other on horseback.(general knowledge)
  12. 25. Medieval warrior who pledged his service to a lord in return for a fief.(general knowledge)
  13. 26. Peasants had to pay these in the form of a proportion on what they produced on their small strip of land. (pg118)
  1. 1. This is also known as the plague and killed about 25 million people. (pg109)
  2. 2. Second most powerful in the feudal system - swore an oath of loyalty to the king.(general knowledge)
  3. 3. Name of the social class at th bottom of the feudal system.
  4. 4. The way society was organised from most to least powerful (pg116)
  5. 5. The name given to the house where The Lord and his family lived. (pg119)
  6. 8. Another name for peasant (general knowledge)
  7. 9. A person in a feudal society who offered their loyalty and service to a lord in rreturn for proteection and service. (general knowledge)
  8. 10. A 70 metre long woven/embroidered artwork that tells the story of William I (pg114)
  9. 13. Chief serf in the village. (pg119)
  10. 15. This is what the peasants made their homes from w__________ a____ d______. (pg126)
  11. 18. An economic system used in the feudal Europe that allowed lords to give peasants a place to live in return for free labour and taxes.(pg118)
  12. 19. Name for the period of time starting in the late 6th century. (pg102)
  13. 21. something that has to be done o______________. (general knowledge - pg116)
  14. 22. This colour could only be worn by royalty. (pg127)