  1. 2. BlackBerry belongs to this company (Acronym required)
  2. 3. This is the browser used in IPhone
  3. 4. You need to click on this icon in IPhone in order to start Mail set up
  4. 5. This is a place in Android where you download applications from
  5. 8. These types of emails are installed onto user’s machines include Microsoft Outlook, Lotus etc.
  1. 1. Previously used OS for Nokia
  2. 4. Email made up ______% of network traffic soon after the introduction of the internet.
  3. 6. Computers language
  4. 7. This is an Android feature which could connect upto 8 Handsets through WiFi
  5. 9. It is a technology used in mobile phones for maps, navigation purposes etc(acronym required)