GNR Diabetes

  1. 2. Treat hypoglycemia when less than ____mg/dL
  2. 4. What do you still give your patient with a high blood sugar even if they are not eating
  3. 5. Your insulin dose will NEVER be higher than what
  4. 7. Long acting insulin
  5. 8. Should be held before and after procedures, with Dr's order
  6. 9. What medications should be held before and after procedures
  7. 10. Treat severe hypoglycemia with this
  8. 12. Remove this personal device with a doctors order when they are not alert/oriented or on suicide precautions
  9. 13. Rapid acting insulin
  10. 14. What to give if enteral nutrition stopped abruptly
  1. 1. A glucommander with a rate under 30 units/hr can be on what type of unit
  2. 3. When should Basal Insulin be held without a doctors order
  3. 5. Divide the TOTAL carbs ______ by the insulin to carb ratio ordered
  4. 6. Order this lab when StatStrip meter reads greater than 600mg/dL or HI
  5. 11. How often blood sugars need checked for patient on Glucommander