God Speaks Using Natural Things

  1. 2. Numbers 22:27-28 – Whose mouth did the Lord open?
  2. 4. Job 37:14-15 – What does God command to flash?
  3. 6. Matthew 13:31-32 — The kingdom of heaven in like what?
  4. 11. Acts 14:17 – God has shown us kindness by giving us what from heaven?
  5. 13. Matthew 6:26 – Who does Jesus tell us to look at?
  6. 15. Psalm 119:1 – What proclaim the work of his hands?
  7. 17. Genesis 40:6-8 – What did Joseph seek to interpret?
  8. 18. Exodus 7:17-18 – What did God turn into blood?
  9. 19. Genesis 15:5 – What does God call Abraham to number?
  10. 20. Jonah 1:17-2:2 – What did God send to rescue Jonah?
  1. 1. Isaiah 55:12 – What will break forth into singing praise?
  2. 3. Judges 2:18 – Who did the Lord raise up to care for his people?
  3. 5. Exodus 3:1-2 – How did the Angel of the Lord appear to Moses?
  4. 7. Job 12:7-10 – Who does God tell Job to ask about his life-giving power?
  5. 8. Hosea 12:10 – Who did God speak to?
  6. 9. John 6:35 — What does Jesus compare himself to?
  7. 10. Malachi 2:7 – Who is a messenger of the Lord?
  8. 12. Psalm 8:2 – Through the praise of whom has God established strength?
  9. 14. Exodus 31:18 – What kind of tablets did God write on and give to Moses?
  10. 16. Matthew 6:28 — What does Jesus want us to see grow?