God's Creation

  1. 3. What did God create on the first day? (Genesis 1:3)
  2. 4. Complete the phrase: "The earth is the Lord's, and the ________ thereof.
  3. 7. God created the earth and ___________ on the third day (Genesis 1: 9-13)
  4. 8. Over what creatures did God give man dominion? (Hint: Birds and ____)
  5. 10. In Psalm 139:13-14, what word describes how we are made by God?
  6. 13. God created great whales and every ________ fowl on the fifth day? (Genesis 1:20-21)
  7. 14. Who is the creator of the earth? (Isaiah 45:18)
  8. 16. What did God gather together to form dry land? (Genesis 1:9)
  9. 17. What does Isaiah 45:18 say God created the earth to be? (Isaiah 45:18)
  10. 19. And God made the ______ of the earth after his kind (GĂ©nesis 1:25)
  11. 20. What did God create to rule the day? (Genesis 1:16)
  1. 1. How are God's works described in Psalm 92:5?
  2. 2. God maketh Arcturus, Orion, and ___________ (Job 9:9)
  3. 3. Who is the owner of the earth? (Psalm 24:1)
  4. 5. According to Job 9:9, what did God make?
  5. 6. What did God create on the second day? (Genesis 1:8)
  6. 9. Wath word describes God's works in Psalm 92:5?
  7. 11. What did God create to divide the waters? (Genesis 1:6-7)
  8. 12. What was created by God to be signs for seasons, days, and years? (Genesis 1:14)
  9. 13. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof;The ________,and they that dwell therein.
  10. 15. What did God create in His own image on the sixth day?
  11. 18. What did God say to man about the herbs and trees with seeds? (Hint:They shall be for ____)