Good walls make good neighbours

  1. 1. Paper you use to decorate the walls of your room
  2. 3. In the centre of town, there's a ... on which you can play basketball
  3. 4. Someone who makes a living making things out of wood
  4. 8. A table, a wardrobe, a chair are all pieces of ...
  5. 9. When you're in your room and look up, you see the ...
  6. 10. The door through which you enter your house
  7. 11. The room in which you sleep.
  8. 12. Houses that are all built up against each other are ...
  1. 2. A tall building with a strong light in it which guides ships to the shore
  2. 3. Nobody puts baby in the ...
  3. 5. A small body of water where you can go swimming or fishing
  4. 6. A house built of timber in a tree is called a ...
  5. 7. When you go out for dinner and are done eating, you ask for the...
  6. 11. The room in which you brush your teeth and have a shower