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  1. 3. forced to flee their homes due to human or environmental factors but remain in the same country
  2. 6. money sent back to facilities to their homes by migrants
  3. 8. average # of children a woman has in her lifetime
  4. 11. per thousand population leaving a country of origin in a year.
  5. 13. moving, national or international for a permanent home
  6. 15. general attitudes of a population
  7. 16. between countries where population growth remains high and low growing
  8. 17. positive and negative of migration
  9. 19. a model display of Push and Pull factors interacting with intervening obstacles to migration
  10. 21. # of deaths per thousand a year
  11. 22. barrier to migration, usually some physical barrier
  12. 24. live births per thousand a year
  13. 25. free choice to migrate or not
  1. 1. mortality rates specific to a single year of age
  2. 2. difference between the level of immigration and emigration
  3. 4. foreign laborer living and working temporarily in another country
  4. 5. process of population decentralization from large areas to small/rural
  5. 7. per thousand population entering a receiving country in a year
  6. 9. migrated to another country in the hope of being recognized as a refugee
  7. 10. decreasing # of people in populations
  8. 12. too many people in an area
  9. 14. too few people in an area
  10. 18. forced to leave homes due to conflicts or natural disasters
  11. 20. study human populations
  12. 23. large-scale migration between a particular origin and a particular destination.