
  1. 3. Locke he believed that people should contract among themselves to form gov.
  2. 5. of Right severely limited the king's power
  3. 6. Adams established the first committee in Boston.
  4. 9. Compact first example of a plan for self-government
  5. 10. political disorder
  6. 13. Washington first president of the united states
  7. 15. agreement for prohibiting trade
  8. 16. Bill of Rights set clear limits on what rulers can and can't do
  9. 19. not sanctioned by law
  10. 20. government people elect delegates to make laws
  11. 24. commerce trade among states
  1. 1. Acts passed a series of coercive acts
  2. 2. single chamber
  3. 4. to approve
  4. 7. laws
  5. 8. Plan of Union plan to unite the colonies
  6. 9. Carta also known as the great charter
  7. 11. of correspondence colonists could keep in touch while everything went down
  8. 12. III king in 1760
  9. 14. the money gov collects from taxes
  10. 17. to yield
  11. 18. Act first direct tax on colonists
  12. 21. Ordinance territories to be developed for statehood
  13. 22. government power of the monarch or government was limited
  14. 23. of powers separation of powers between governor and legislature