Government Acronyms

  1. 3. Each letter represents a different “section” that benefits Americans.
  2. 4. Preserves important documents and records created by the federal government since its founding.
  3. 5. Provides public education about preventing terrorist attacks and issues appropriate advisories to the American public.
  4. 7. Publishes articles under congressional oversight.
  5. 8. This department enforces federal law and prosecutes cases in federal court
  6. 10. Leads the government’s response to natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods.
  7. 11. Collects statistics on diseases.
  8. 13. Congress reorganized HEW into a separate function after education became a separate department.
  9. 15. This branch started overseeing railroads then oversaw telephone service until it was abolished in the 1990’s.
  10. 16. This department provides assistance to veterans.
  11. 17. This department inspects and grades through foods in the US
  12. 18. Collects taxes
  13. 19. You go to get your driver’s license and update your driver’s license every four years.
  14. 21. This administration issues weather forecasts.
  1. 1. Certifies the quality of foods and cosmetics sold in the US.
  2. 2. HUD oversees this administration that insures some mortgages that private banks make to homeowners.
  3. 4. Offers more than 50,000 grants to 300,000 researchrs at universities, medical schools, ect.
  4. 5. The Pentagon is the headquarters of this Department
  5. 6. This administration establishes air traffic rules.
  6. 9. The highest-ranking members of the US military
  7. 10. Regulates communications by radio, television, wire satellite and cable.
  8. 12. Gather’s intelligence by finding out information that our government needs for our security.
  9. 14. This department was created to encourage homeownership.
  10. 17. The “P” doesn’t stand for postal, what does it stand for?
  11. 18. Tracks down criminals at a worldwide level.
  12. 20. This was a program established during the Franklin Roosevelt presidency to develop resources in a certain area.