Government Coming to 'Terms'

  1. 2. believed in natural rights- life, liberty and property; strongest influence on Thomas Jefferson, who wrote natural rights into the Declaration of Independence
  2. 4. supporters of the new Constitution who believed in a strong central government with limited government and checks and balances
  3. 9. considered intelligent and decisive, he was a leading supporter of the Constitution and helped write the Federalist Papers
  4. 11. group of people who feared the new government created by Constitution; gave too much power to the national government at the expense of individual rights
  5. 15. first ten amendments to the Constitution, added by the first Congress in 1791; protects the civil rights and liberties of the people
  6. 16. the people are the only source of power for any and all government actions; government can only govern with the consent of the governed
  7. 17. 3rd president of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence; he did not take part in writing the Constitution because he was in France at the time. He was a strong advocate for the addition of a Bill of Rights
  8. 18. French writer who introduced the idea of separation of powers and checks and balances to prevent one part of government from becoming too powerful
  9. 19. the distribution of power between the national government and the states within a union
  10. 20. “Father of the Constitution” and fourth president of the United States; essential to the writing and ratification of the Constitution; he also wrote the first 10 amendments to the Constitution that were ratified as the Bill of Rights
  1. 1. compromise between slave states and free states to count three-fifths of the slave population in a state when allocating how many representatives a state was entitled to in the House of Representatives
  2. 3. belief that monarchs were chosen by God; gave the monarch unlimited authority
  3. 5. power is held at the national level, with very little power being held in political subdivisions, such as provinces, states, counties, parishes, or tow
  4. 6. a representative democracy in which a small group of leaders, elected by the citizens, represents the concerns of the people; the interests of the majority take precedence over the interests of a few.
  5. 7. division of the powers in our government among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches; no one branch has too much power
  6. 8. each branch of government is subject to a number of constitutional restraints, or checks, by the other branches so no single branch becomes too powerful
  7. 10. in order for man to live in groups, he must give up some of his freedom to the government in exchange for protection of his natural rights
  8. 12. English political philosopher whose Social Contract Theory believed that in order to live together, individuals in a society give up their natural rights to a higher authority for the sake of protection
  9. 13. first plan of government adopted in the United States after the revolution; it was a loose association of states with no authority to tax, no national army, and no chief executive
  10. 14. chosen to preside at the Constitutional Convention; he later became the first president of the United States; he set precedent by stepping down after two terms and initiating a peaceful transition of power