Government mid-term crossword

  1. 3. ensures that states recognize the laws and documents,and court proceedings of the other States.
  2. 5. supported a weaker central government felt too much power was taken from the states and wanted a bill of rights
  3. 7. no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who happen to live in other States.
  4. 8. God's given rights to life liberty and property
  5. 9. dividing the national
  6. 10. assigns certain powers to the National Government and certain powers to the States
  7. 14. a type of government where the people hold the power and elected representatives to govern according to the rule of law.
  8. 16. powers given to congress by the constitution itself
  9. 17. a type of government where the power of the national has less power then the state government.
  10. 18. the implicit agreement between people and their government. People sacrifice a piece of their freedom and consent to be ruled in exchange for the government's protection of their lives , liberty , and property.
  11. 19. supported the constitution and a strong central government
  12. 21. Congress has the power to restrict the use of American forces in combat in areas where a state of war does not exist.
  13. 22. establishes the constitution and the supreme law of the land
  14. 23. a letter to the king of England written by Thomas Jefferson
  15. 24. states the expressed powers of congress.
  16. 25. powers that aren't specifically in the constitution but are found though deduction.
  1. 1. the first 10 admendments added to the constitution.
  2. 2. allows members of Congress to mail letters and other materials postage free by substituting their facsimile signature for the postage
  3. 4. a type of grant that state has more control on what to use it for
  4. 6. a type of grant that is used for a specific purpose
  5. 11. into three separate branches and assigning separate responsibilities instead of one.
  6. 12. agreements between states allowed by congress
  7. 13. is the legal process by which a fugitive from one state is returned to that state
  8. 15. powers granted viva the constitution's creation of an national government
  9. 20. gives each of three branches of government the power to restrict the actions of others