Government Programs

  1. 1. Nicknamed Ginnie Mae
  2. 3. Established in 1953 to replace the Federal Security Agency, it was reorganized in 1979
  3. 5. Aviation
  4. 6. National health research
  5. 7. Enforces the National Labor Relations Act of 1935
  6. 9. Tracks down world-wide criminals
  7. 11. America's tax collector
  8. 13. Regulates communication by radio, television, phone, telegraph, cable, and Internet
  9. 14. The mail
  10. 16. Nine military groups overseeing work around the world and specific task commands
  11. 17. Studies diseases and issues public health warnings
  12. 19. A private mail company
  13. 20. Begun during the New Deal, insures private mortgages
  14. 21. The all-encompassing military department
  15. 23. Safe, affordable urban housing
  16. 26. Provides grants and endowments for artistic research
  17. 27. Spies and intelligence-gathering
  18. 28. The highest ranking officers in the U.S. military
  19. 29. Develops resources in Tennessee
  20. 31. Nicknamed Fannie Mae
  1. 1. A watchdog agency to ensure federal officers stay within the law
  2. 2. A controversial wildlife refuge in Alaska
  3. 3. A health department accounting for one-fourth of government spending
  4. 4. High-level investigations
  5. 5. Nicknamed Freddie Mac
  6. 8. Leads the governments response to natural disasters
  7. 10. Space travel
  8. 11. First oversaw railroad practices across states, then trucking and air transport as well
  9. 12. Attempts to prevent stock market crashes
  10. 15. provides assistance to small businesses
  11. 16. Oversees our country's first industry, agriculture
  12. 18. Government's coordinated effort to keep America safe from attack
  13. 20. Certifies quality of foods and cosmetics
  14. 22. Established in 1870 with the attorney general at its head
  15. 24. Transportation
  16. 25. Provides credit loans to farmers
  17. 26. National weather
  18. 30. Programs for veterans
  19. 31. Insures deposits made in banks