Government Random

  1. 3. City where the Constitution was made official
  2. 5. The leader of the U.S and head of the Executive Branch is called the ???
  3. 9. European country where democracy first started
  4. 10. Someone who moves from their home country to another
  5. 11. Someone who lives in the U.S legally, but is not a citizen, likely has a ??? Card
  6. 14. The U.S President before Donald Trump
  7. 15. The largest city in the U.S
  8. 17. The U.S ??? is the document that forms our country's government
  9. 18. There are 13 of these on the U.S flag
  1. 1. The Capital of the U.S is ??? D.C
  2. 2. Curr Russia is fighting a war with what European nation
  3. 4. When people vote for who is in charge of the country
  4. 6. The capital of Virginia
  5. 7. The name for the elected leader of a city (part of the Executive Branch)
  6. 8. The U.S was once a colony of this nation
  7. 12. The government body/part that makes laws at the Federal level
  8. 13. The person running as Vice-President as a Republican
  9. 16. There are 50 of these