Government Review Puzzle

  1. 3. The powers of the Constitution that are specifically granted to the branches of government or to office holders are called ____.
  2. 4. The Constitution prohibits the ____ from entering into treaties or issuing their own money.
  3. 6. ____ are a collection of people who share some common interest and seek to influence the government to their cause.
  4. 8. The ____ powers are not expressed in the Constitution but still are granted to the National government.
  5. 11. In a ____, individuals vote for the candidate they think would be the best president.
  6. 16. Locke believed in philosophical and biblical ____, which wanted to limit total governmental power.
  7. 21. States cannot enter into treaties or alliances, but they can enter into interstate ____, which are agreements among States.
  8. 22. In admitting new States, Congress can pass an ____, which directs the people of a given territory to frame a proposed constitution.
  9. 23. The powers delegated to the National government because the U.S. is sovereign are called the ____ powers.
  10. 25. Hobbes favored philosophical ____, where a strong absolute ruler controls the people.
  1. 1. ____ feared strong government, wanted less taxation and wanted to ratify the Constitution.
  2. 2. When parties reach out to voters personally, it's known as the community movement of ____.
  3. 5. The ____ of powers assigns certain powers to both the National and State governments.
  4. 7. When people cast their vote, they are actually voting for a group of people, called ____ who represent their state when they cast their vote.
  5. 9. In a ____, party members discuss and hold a series of votes to choose the best candidate.
  6. 10. Ticket ____ is when a voter votes for multiple candidates on their ballot; opposite of straight-ticket voting.
  7. 12. The ____ is a group of five elected members who control the media.
  8. 13. ____ thought a strong central government and taxation was necessary and didn't want the Constitution to be ratified.
  9. 14. States like ____ grants because they have more say in how the money is spent.
  10. 15. ____ is citizen participation level and awareness of government decisions.
  11. 17. A structure within a society that connects the people to the government or other centralized authority is called ____.
  12. 18. The opposite of a winner-takes-all; each party running receives the proportion of legislative seats corresponding to its proportion of the voting system.
  13. 19. ____ supported the Framers' limited government and divided the powers of the government.
  14. 20. The Constitution's Full ____ Clause ensures that States recognize the laws, documents, and court proceedings of the other States such as a driver's license or marriage certificate.
  15. 24. Both the National and State governments share ____ powers, such as levying and collecting taxes or defining crimes and their punishments.