Government Vocab

  1. 2. government among the legislative, executive,and judicial branches
  2. 6. the first president of the United States
  3. 9. type of democracy based on the protection of individual rights from the tyranny of the majority and on the consent of the governed to establish political authority
  4. 11. king/queen controls all aspect of life: social, economic, and political – often times tied to divine right of kings (authority from God)
  5. 14. the citizens have political authority and are bound by social contract to obey laws with their rights guaranteed by a constitution citizens willingly subordinate their private,selfish interests to the common good
  6. 16. Government is defined by law and serves the people the law is above everyone and it applies to everyone
  7. 18. Belief that monarchs were chosen by God gave the monarch unlimited authority
  8. 19. compromise reached in writing the Constitution to satisfy both small and large states by having one house of Congress
  9. 20. distribution of power between the national government
  1. 1. First plan of government adopted in the United States after the revolution
  2. 3. intelligent and decisive
  3. 4. Compromise between slave states and free states to count three-fifths of the slave population in a state
  4. 5. author of the Declaration of Independence
  5. 7. Government defined by law and serves the people the law
  6. 8. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution that gives Congress the right to pass all laws “necessary and proper” to carry out the other powers listed in Article I
  7. 10. First ten amendments to the Constitution
  8. 12. government is subject to a number of constitutional restraints, or checks
  9. 13. Explains the purposes of the Constitution
  10. 15. "Father of the constitution"
  11. 17. English political philosopher