Grade 5 Science - Simple machines

  1. 3. the weight supported by a structure or part
  2. 7. a sloping surface connecting two levels; incline
  3. 8. a piece of hard material with two principal faces meeting in a sharply acute angle, for raising, holding, or splitting objects by applying a pounding or driving force, as from a hammer
  4. 9. a circular frame or disk arranged to revolve on an axis, as on or in vehicles or machinery
  5. 10. two forces acting on an object are not equal in size
  6. 15. one of the simple machines, a plane surface inclined to the horizon, or forming with a horizontal plane any angle but a right angle
  7. 16. surface resistance to relative motion, as of a body sliding or rolling
  8. 17. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces
  9. 20. the transfer of energy expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which its point of application moves in the direction of the force
  1. 1. two forces acting on an object that are equal in size
  2. 2. a force that moves a certain object over a determined distance
  3. 4. those machines that use two or more simple machines to create work
  4. 5. a threaded cylindrical pin or rod with a head at one end, engaging a threaded hole and used either as a fastener or as a simple machine for applying power
  5. 6. strength or power exerted upon an object
  6. 11. the pin, bar, shaft, or the like, on which or by means of which a wheel or pair of wheels rotates
  7. 12. machine a simple device for altering the magnitude or direction of a force. The six basic types are the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, screw, wedge, and inclined plane
  8. 13. a wheel, with a grooved rim for carrying a line, that turns in a frame or block and serves to change the direction of or to transmit force, as when one end of the line is pulled to raise a weight at the other end
  9. 14. the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns in moving a body
  10. 18. a rigid bar that pivots about one point and that is used to move an object at a second point by a force applied at a third
  11. 19. the quantity of matter as determined from its weight