Grade 8 Computer Studies Puzzle

  1. 3. a crime committed using a computer connected to the internet
  2. 5. the turning of data into information in the computer
  3. 7. production of information as softcopy using a computer
  4. 8. a programmable device that has the ability to retrieve, store and process data into information
  5. 9. A computer part that is used to see what one is typing on the computer
  6. 14. processed facts that have meaning that institutions can use to make decisions
  7. 15. An application software that you can use to record marks for students
  1. 1. To avoid e waste computers have to be .................
  2. 2. An output that enables a computer to produce hardcopy information
  3. 4. An input device you can use to record sound in a computer
  4. 6. instructions that tell a computer what to do
  5. 10. ................. software is software that is meant to manage the hardware and software resources of the computer
  6. 11. The accepting of data into the computer
  7. 12. A type of a computer that is carried and has a battery
  8. 13. a computer part that is used to control the cursor on the screen of a computer