Grade 9 - Computer Fundamentals

  1. 2. This is a special type of computer that is built into the hardware of the actually machine
  2. 3. This is a software used to send or receive emails
  3. 5. Every popular application software used to communication and send voice notes.
  4. 10. Type of utilities software
  5. 13. This is an electronic device that operators under instructions stored in memory
  6. 15. These are special software used for specific tasks
  7. 17. Plotter,screen, earphones and speaker are all examples of ________ devices.
  8. 19. This is an output device
  9. 20. This software is responsible for the maintenance and analyze of the computer system
  1. 1. This software runs all other software on the computer and is an interface between the user and computer
  2. 4. process of adding and enter data into the computer system
  3. 6. This is a set of instructions that guides the computer hardware and tell the hardware what to do.
  4. 7. You probably use this everyday. This type of computer is very portable and holds a battery. It holds all your favorite apps like Instagram and Snap chat.
  5. 8. This storage requires you to have internet connection and even an account
  6. 9. This can be defined as the process of saving for later use.
  7. 11. In order to work the computer must abide by the ___________________ stores in its memory.
  8. 12. This is physical storage that does not require you to have an account
  9. 14. The conversion of data to information
  10. 16. The process of showing or getting information from inside the computer system
  11. 18. This software is used to watch and download movies